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Don VanSyckel (R)

District 5

Northern Sterling Heights

About Don

Commissioner Don VanSyckel was elected to his first term on the Macomb County Board of Commissioners in November of 2020. VanSyckel represents District 5, which represents the northern portion of Sterling Heights. He has lived in Sterling Heights for 35 years.

As a member of the Board, VanSyckel is interested in helping attract stable employers to the county and also retaining current employers. He also believes in a level playing field for all in all things, providing honest representation for those he was elected to serve. 

VanSyckel is a retired electrical engineer from a defense contractor. His interests include technology, bicycling, mystery movies and supporting local events and attractions.

VanSyckel, 70, is married to his wife Barbara and has two adult sons.

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Macomb County Board of Commissioners

  • 1 S Main Street, 9th Floor
    Mount Clemens, MI 48043
  • (586) 469-5125

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